Thursday 5 June 2014

Kim Kardashian - A Three Card Future Psychic Tarot Reading

Kim Kardashian

Born October 21 - 1980

Star Sign Libra

Personality Traits – Kind, Romantic, Self-Indulgent, Charming, Superficial, Lover of Beauty, Charismatic, Impulsive, Affectionate, Diplomatic.

It’s perhaps not an exaggeration to say that Kim Kardashian is at this present time the most famous woman in the world. TV star, model, actress, business woman…she has come to define a generation and an era dominated by social media. With her recent marriage to Kanye West being front page news right across the world, Kim has already cemented her place in history as one of the most iconic figures of the 21st century. This is a simple three card reading for Kim. The first card will be for the year ahead, the second for her long-term future and the third card will focus on her marriage to Kanye West.  

The Year Ahead  - THREE OF SWORDS
Imagery - A heart is pierced by three swords indicating heartache. In the background we can see light shining in through a window, indicating a hope for the future.
Keywords - Getting to the heart of the matter, fear of losing your partner, jealous imaginings, feeling hurt inside, being cheated on, wanting to hurt someone emotionally.
Impressions  The Three of Swords is a quite negative card and shows that this could be a relatively disappointing year for Kim. I feel as if she’s wanting to build on the wonderful events of the past few years which have culminated with the marriage to her true love Kanye West. However, somewhere along the line in the next twelve months there may even be heartache for her. I don’t feel this is the marriage itself and it may be linked to the troubles of a family member. This may also be someone being in trouble with the law. It will be the catalyst for much negative media attention reflected onto Kim. This means, for a time, later on this year but mostly through the beginning of next year, there may be a series of stories in the press about how it’s all going wrong for Kim. Rather like we have seen with Justin Beiber. Although not at the centre of this storm there may also be rumours about Kanye West’s behaviour and her marriage to him. These stories may be exaggerated to a degree but nevertheless will still reflect in some ways a difficult year for Kim.   
Long Term Future - FOUR OF WANDS
Imagery - The image is a scene of rejoicing. The scene symbolizes the celebration of a significant achievement.
Keywords - Celebration, joy, dumping emotional baggage, being released from the chains of responsibility, freedom, enjoying a happy event, feeling proud of your achievements, feeling freer than a bird.
Impressions – The Four of Wands shows any problems in the coming year should be temporary because Kim will recover from any setbacks that occur and go on to even bigger and better things in the future. It’s as if she’s even more determined than ever to make a success of whatever she turns her hand to. I feel at the heart of this is a number of awards she wins, including for her humanitarian work and there’s also a major award that may also be linked to a particular film she makes which also features Kanye. Later on she will be taking a step back from the spotlight and enjoying the benefits of earlier success in an incredible, vast property she has built from scratch. She is very much focused on business for a time which begins with her fashion label but becomes an empire to almost rival that of Richard Branson. The brand she has built up and with Kanye may seem for a time as if they’re taking over the world.  Some of the businesses she is getting involved with include jewelry, sports, travel as well as beginning her own TV and movie production company.
The Marriage to Kanye West - THE MAGICIAN
Imagery – The Magician wears a white smock and red cape. He theatrically holds a wand in the air, as he stands before a table on which is placed a Cup, Sword, Wand and Pentacle.
Keywords – Initiative, persuasion, conscious awareness, new opportunities, action, ability to manifest, realizing your potential, knowledge is the key to success, focusing on a goal.

Impressions – Contrary to what some people think, the marriage to Kanye should last for some time. The Magician is a very positive card and reflects both the personalities of Kim, Kanye and their life together. It shows in turn, it will be a very exciting marriage with lots continually happening, often unexpectedly and at the last minute. There is a sense that they are both very happy in the future. The Magician is a showman and although Kim takes a slight step back from the showbiz spotlight for a time, in bringing up her family, their marriage is still going to be the most talked about marriage on the planet for many years to come. I feel there will also be a foundation set up based on their marriage which aims to alleviate poverty around the world. She will also go on to have at least two, possibly three more children with Kanye.

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Friday 23 May 2014

Joey Essex - A Past, Present and Future Tarot Reading

Joey Essex

Joey Essex has become one of Britain’s best known celebrity’s in recent years. Since his first appearance in The Only Way is Essex, many viewers immediately took his lovable personality to their hearts which, amongst other things has since led to a notable appearance on I’m a Celebrity…his own television show and the launch of his much-awaited autobiography ‘Being Reem’ which charts his meteoric rise from a troubled childhood to being an iconic British TV personality. This three card tarot reading is aimed to give more of an insight into his past, what is happening at present and what is going to happen in his future.


Imagery - A young man stands between two women as if making a choice between them. A winged cupid flies above, pointing an arrow at the young man’s heart in order to influence his choice.
Keywords - Love, completeness, choice, temptation, commitment, the power of love and how we deal with it, seeking wholeness, sexual harmony, romantic desire, feeling drawn to another, wanting union.
ImpressionsJoey’s troubled childhood has been much documented but this card highlights another aspect of his past and that’s the love there has always been in his life. The Lovers is the most symbolic and strongest card in terms of love and it’s significant it has appeared here. It shows that Joey grew up in a very loving household and there has been a general love for Joey since his earliest days. This card is also about choices which have to be made and he has had to make these difficult choices himself in order to progress in life. Often cutting ties with people who he felt weren’t doing him any favours and being a bad influence. He also hasn’t been scared of taking a risk when need be, which is why he took the chance of appearing on TOWIE. Joey has a great need to be loved and his present career gives him that emotional fulfilment. It’s partly why he has perfected the art of appearing more naive than he actually is. There may also be a particular relationship he has had in the past which also involved a difficult choice. This led to its ending and the emotional effects of it, still affect Joey today. Yet, most of all, this card shows that love is such a part of his personality as it has been such a part of his earlier life.


Imagery – The Knight of Pentacles sits on a solid carthorse. His horse is clearly a workhorse and is prepared to take things slowly.  

KeywordsHard-working, persistent, dedicated or inflexible, effort without passion, gloomy, cautious.

This is perhaps quite a surprising card to see for this present time or for any time associated with Joey. Of the four knights on tarot, the Knight of Pentacles is the one with the least passion and yet is the one which is the most loyal and hard-working. I do sense that although in many ways things are going well for Joey, behind the smiles is an incredible amount of hard-work which can be exhausting at times. He may feel restrained in what he can do and can’t do. Financially, it’s an excellent time however and he knows he will have no complaints on that front. Emotionally, though, it comes across as him being slightly frustrated and would love to have a relationship with someone like his great mate Mark Wright has with Michelle Keegan. As much as Joey is a hard-worker and has never been afraid of hard work, this is a time right now where he feels he has to do what’s necessary for the money and is prepared, for now, to make the sacrifices in his personal life.  

Future - SIX OF CUPS

Imagery - Two children, a boy and a girl are in the midst of arranging flowers. One of the children is older and wiser than the other. The flowers stand for innocent dreams and wishes.

Keywords - Reunion, nostalgia, playfulness, renewed friendship or romance, childhood, long-held desires, memories.

Impressions This is a good card to see and also significant that it refers back to Joey’s childhood. The Six of Cups is to do with all things in the past. It can also mean a long-term desire coming true, for instance. This desire or wish I feel refers to the previous card and that past relationship which was a true love. This may in fact be with someone he has known in the past who comes back into his life. In general, the future seems rosy for Joey. In the very near future, he will be buying a quite modest property which is near his childhood home. He will also be teaming up with Mark Wright for a new TV programme which may be to do with them being in competition travelling across Essex. He may also be winning an award which will be a surprise but to do with an achievement associated with his TV work. He will also be trying to expand his business, his shop etc, and this will also be a big part of his future however he may suffer some major setbacks in the future which could cost him financially. The main event seen here however, is that very special relationship which results in marriage, a family and possibly two children a boy and a girl.

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Friday 1 November 2013

Will Barack Obama run for a third term? A Psychic Tarot prediction

Will Barack Obama run for a third term?

Answer - ACE OF CUPS

Imagery - The Ace of Cups depicts a golden cup overflowing with five streams of water into a pool or lake. The five streams are connected with the senses, sight, touch, hearing taste and smell.

KeywordsLove, deep feeling, new romance, intimacy, beginning of new love or awareness, being in touch with your emotions, infatuation with someone or something.

ImpressionsCups is the suit of emotions. The Ace shows new beginnings to some extent. It could be said that a new beginning means a new president. Yet the question was will Obama run for a third term. I feel this quest, this new beginning, is another beginning for Obama. That regardless of how he may be doing in opinion polls, it's his heart which decides what he will do. His detractors would say he's letting his heart rule his head. I feel this will be the case because there will be very turbulent times happening around him when he announces his quest for another term. Beforehand it's very much in the balance what he'll do. It's touch and go whether he will receive the nomination from the Democrats. There may be a lack of confidence in him and a general insecurity around. However, somehow he pulls though. This Ace of Cups is a new beginning and it is also a positive card. Put in very simple terms, Barack Obama will run for a third term.

Will Barack Obama win a third term?  


Imagery - The Hanged Man is suspended upside down from a beam. Despite his position he appears to be in no discomfort.

KeywordsTransition, sacrifice may be necessary, being in limbo, anticipation of progress, seeing life from a different angle.

Impressions The Hanged Man is a very interesting card to see in this position. Amongst other things, it's about being in limbo, having to make sacrifices, it's also about unexpected changes. In general it's a negative card and according to it, Barack Obama will not win a third term as president. It is possible that this presidential race is another very close one however. Unexpectedly so. There could be some confusion in the early stages as to who has actually won. I feel however as if Barack Obama concedes, relinquishes control as it says above. That there will be a new president of the United States sworn into office.

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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Robbie Williams : Past, Present and Future Psychic Tarot Reading

Robbie Williams


Imagery The Magician wears a white smock and red cape. He theatrically holds a wand in the air, as he stands before a table on which is placed a Cup, Sword, Wand and Pentacle.

Keywords Initiative, persuasion, an important person, conscious awareness, action, ability to manifest, realizing your potential, knowledge is the key to success, focusing on a goal.

Impressions – The appearance of this card shows Robbie was born destined to be a star from an early age. The Magican is a showman, a success, a performer, he has an uncanny ability to transform his thoughts and dreams into reality. Nothing was going to hold Robbie back when he was younger. He knew what he wanted to do and had the charm and personality to persuade anyone to do as he wanted them to do. He was very determined, focused. Even if, for a time, he got sidetracked by other issues in his life, he had the Magician's ability to turn things around at the last minute. Also like a Magician he loves surprising people, doing the unexpected. If anyone was going to leave Take That first, it was always Robbie. I feel as if there was no doubt Robbie was going to be a star. He had no doubt either.


Imagery - The Empress sits amongst a beautiful field of corn in a flowing robe of pink. She wears a symbolic crown and necklace as regards all around her. There is a waterfall in the background. Fruit lies at her feet representing fertility.

Keywords - Action, sensual pleasure, indulgence, creativity, nurturing, motherhood, feeling good about life, focusing on beauty and art, children, emotional and material wealth, luxurious living.

Impressions – Another strong card and yet this time it shows a lot of Robbie's attention is with his daughter. The Empress represents many things which are feminine in nature and is also strongly associated with pregnancy, fertility, children, nurturing. The Empress also shows a time of great happiness, love. I feel he could be thinking about moving home soon as well as thoughts of having another child are very much on his mind right now. It's as if he's so delighted with his first he can't wait to have another. There may be an announcement soon. It's interesting to see the progression from The Magician to the Empress in Robbie's life. From the showman to the father. It's still a very creative time, busy time for hime however. As well as nurturing his daughter, he's also nurturing his career as if it's another child of his, one he's also very protective of. Yet it's his actual daughter as well as future family which is on his mind most of all at this present time.


ImageryThe Emperor sits on his throne, wearing majestic robes and holding an orb in one hand and a sceptre in the other. The Emperor signifies paternal dominance, presiding over the realms of finance, politics and material resources.

KeywordsPower, authority, assertive thinking, leadership, orderly chaos, establishing laws or family values, taking control of a situation, sticking to the rules.

Impressions – The Emperor following on from the Empress is a very good sign for his marriage first of all. As well as his family and future career. He's very much in control of all aspects of his life in times to come, learning from past mistakes. The Emperor is also about great achievements and possibly honours as well. I do feel Robbie will receive an OBE possibly this new year. In spite of his success, and his belief in being a star, he has also felt insecure at times. Which is why he has needed to prove to himself and to others of what he is capabable of. In the future, that isn't the case. He knows exactly what he can do and being a father is even more important to him than his career. Like his mate Gary Barlow, he's going to have a TV series and here I sense it's very possible, it features them both. They could even be seen as a bit of a double act. This may not happen until a couple of years yet. Overall, Robbie will continue to be a star, choosing the direction his career goes in, however, from his point of view and according to this card, most of all he'll be a father, very possibly to at least two more children. 

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Saturday 26 October 2013

Gary Barlow : Past, Present and Future Psychic Tarot Reading

Gary Barlow

This tarot reading is brought to you by Psychic Avenues


Imagery The image shows a female wearing a blindfold with her hands tied. She is also surrounded by swords and appears to be in an uncomfortable position.

Keywords -  Restriction, feeling fenced in, feeling trapped and bound by a situation, floundering in feeling, waiting to be rescued.

Impressions  The Eight of Swords is about feeling trapped, bound, in a difficult and uncomfortable position. This has often been the case in Gary's past. Even though he's had great success with Take That, often he felt suffocated by being in the band. Although at the same time, he loved being part of Take That, he has a great desire to be known a solo singer. Before Take That, he also felt as if he wasn't getting anywhere, trapped. He couldn't find the right outlet for his talents. Then although within take That, he had a lot of satisfaction he still felt restricted. When Take That split up, again it was as if he would never be seen as a success on his own. With the re-forming of the band he has found more satisfaction but would love to be known as so much more hence X Factor and his other work outside of music.


ImageryThe Queen of Pentacles sits on her throne appearing to enjoy her lush surroundings. She sits in a garden full of fruits and flowers representing the earth's bounty. Roses stand out as a symbol of beauty and love. 

KeywordsNurturing, warm-hearted, sensuous, generous, matter of fact attitude, reliable and loyal, feeling secure and home-loving, lover of animals and children, creative and resourceful.

Impressions – The Queen of Pentacles reflects his present success. He has never been happier. Even if he's had some very difficult times in the past, and the recent past, he has a sense of emotional and material security which in turn comes from having a balance in his life between his personal life and his celebrity life. His charity work also gives him a sense of purpose he never felt before. He almost gives to the point of self-neglect in terms of his personal life as well as his public life. However, he desperately wants to make the individual creative side of his life what he's known for most of all.

Imagery - A woman blindfolded holds up two swords in perfect balance. Behind her is the ocean representing the realities of life, which her blindfold prevents her from seeing. 

KeywordsDenial, blocked feelings, pretending one thing, feeling another, denying your feelings, being cool and unavailable, blocking out others, being unwilling to make a choice

ImpressionsThe Two of Swords isn't the best card in the tarot pack and it's very similar to the previous Eight of Swords which appeared in Gary's past position. It's being being tied down, feeling bound by circumstances. He could struggle to reach his further dreams in terms of solo musical success. In some respects it's his success in other areas of his life which could overshadow any solo musical success. He will have further success with Take That and have his own TV show which will play to his strengths of helping people. There may be an underlying frustration at times although his personal life will be fine. He will always hide his true emotions from others. One particular surprising event in future is he will also write a book of fiction, an emotional love story set on an island, which will be a general success. 

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Friday 25 October 2013

Justin Beiber's Past, Present and Future Psychic Tarot Card Reading

Justin Beiber 

A Tarot Reading by Psychic Avenues

Past - The High Priestess

On first impressions, The High Priestess may seem a surprising card to see in this position. It's all about secrets, the unknown and the mysterious in life. However, it's also about hidden potential, developing talents and enlightenment. Before Justin became famous, he always had that hidden potential. There is also that sense of power he had. He felt hidden, always wanting to be discovered. I feel there was a sudden revelation he had about his destiny in life. This card is especially interesting because it may also partly explain his instant connection with women of all ages. It's almost on an unconscious level, spiritual, and has been there from day one.

Present - Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands unsurprisingly shows a hectic time. Everything is up in the air,it's all fast and furious and there's a lot of rushing around trying to meet deadlines. It's what to be expected but what also comes across is the complete lack of organisation right now. It's a little frightening. It's as if no-one is quite sure what is going to happen from one day to the next day. This may be a reflection of his management and people around him. To some extent it's also a reflection of Justin himself. There's no real plan right now, with those in charge especially it's all about acting on the spur of the moment and hoping to get away with it. This can't last forever.

Future - The Sun

The Sun is one of the best cards in tarot. It shows a bright future for Justin in more ways than one. I feel he will surprise a lot of people in then future. A lot of the 'chaos' and uncertainty of the present will disappear in the future. He will be taking a break from the music scene in his mid twenties and in his late twenties if not sooner, there's marriage and children. This is part of the reason for his break from music. When he comes back though, his success may be even greater than now. There may also be a foray into acting which will have mixed results. Over time however, he may be regarded as a one of the most important, serious recording artists of recent times.