Friday 25 October 2013

Justin Beiber's Past, Present and Future Psychic Tarot Card Reading

Justin Beiber 

A Tarot Reading by Psychic Avenues

Past - The High Priestess

On first impressions, The High Priestess may seem a surprising card to see in this position. It's all about secrets, the unknown and the mysterious in life. However, it's also about hidden potential, developing talents and enlightenment. Before Justin became famous, he always had that hidden potential. There is also that sense of power he had. He felt hidden, always wanting to be discovered. I feel there was a sudden revelation he had about his destiny in life. This card is especially interesting because it may also partly explain his instant connection with women of all ages. It's almost on an unconscious level, spiritual, and has been there from day one.

Present - Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands unsurprisingly shows a hectic time. Everything is up in the air,it's all fast and furious and there's a lot of rushing around trying to meet deadlines. It's what to be expected but what also comes across is the complete lack of organisation right now. It's a little frightening. It's as if no-one is quite sure what is going to happen from one day to the next day. This may be a reflection of his management and people around him. To some extent it's also a reflection of Justin himself. There's no real plan right now, with those in charge especially it's all about acting on the spur of the moment and hoping to get away with it. This can't last forever.

Future - The Sun

The Sun is one of the best cards in tarot. It shows a bright future for Justin in more ways than one. I feel he will surprise a lot of people in then future. A lot of the 'chaos' and uncertainty of the present will disappear in the future. He will be taking a break from the music scene in his mid twenties and in his late twenties if not sooner, there's marriage and children. This is part of the reason for his break from music. When he comes back though, his success may be even greater than now. There may also be a foray into acting which will have mixed results. Over time however, he may be regarded as a one of the most important, serious recording artists of recent times.

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