Saturday 26 October 2013

Gary Barlow : Past, Present and Future Psychic Tarot Reading

Gary Barlow

This tarot reading is brought to you by Psychic Avenues


Imagery The image shows a female wearing a blindfold with her hands tied. She is also surrounded by swords and appears to be in an uncomfortable position.

Keywords -  Restriction, feeling fenced in, feeling trapped and bound by a situation, floundering in feeling, waiting to be rescued.

Impressions  The Eight of Swords is about feeling trapped, bound, in a difficult and uncomfortable position. This has often been the case in Gary's past. Even though he's had great success with Take That, often he felt suffocated by being in the band. Although at the same time, he loved being part of Take That, he has a great desire to be known a solo singer. Before Take That, he also felt as if he wasn't getting anywhere, trapped. He couldn't find the right outlet for his talents. Then although within take That, he had a lot of satisfaction he still felt restricted. When Take That split up, again it was as if he would never be seen as a success on his own. With the re-forming of the band he has found more satisfaction but would love to be known as so much more hence X Factor and his other work outside of music.


ImageryThe Queen of Pentacles sits on her throne appearing to enjoy her lush surroundings. She sits in a garden full of fruits and flowers representing the earth's bounty. Roses stand out as a symbol of beauty and love. 

KeywordsNurturing, warm-hearted, sensuous, generous, matter of fact attitude, reliable and loyal, feeling secure and home-loving, lover of animals and children, creative and resourceful.

Impressions – The Queen of Pentacles reflects his present success. He has never been happier. Even if he's had some very difficult times in the past, and the recent past, he has a sense of emotional and material security which in turn comes from having a balance in his life between his personal life and his celebrity life. His charity work also gives him a sense of purpose he never felt before. He almost gives to the point of self-neglect in terms of his personal life as well as his public life. However, he desperately wants to make the individual creative side of his life what he's known for most of all.

Imagery - A woman blindfolded holds up two swords in perfect balance. Behind her is the ocean representing the realities of life, which her blindfold prevents her from seeing. 

KeywordsDenial, blocked feelings, pretending one thing, feeling another, denying your feelings, being cool and unavailable, blocking out others, being unwilling to make a choice

ImpressionsThe Two of Swords isn't the best card in the tarot pack and it's very similar to the previous Eight of Swords which appeared in Gary's past position. It's being being tied down, feeling bound by circumstances. He could struggle to reach his further dreams in terms of solo musical success. In some respects it's his success in other areas of his life which could overshadow any solo musical success. He will have further success with Take That and have his own TV show which will play to his strengths of helping people. There may be an underlying frustration at times although his personal life will be fine. He will always hide his true emotions from others. One particular surprising event in future is he will also write a book of fiction, an emotional love story set on an island, which will be a general success. 

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