Friday 1 November 2013

Will Barack Obama run for a third term? A Psychic Tarot prediction

Will Barack Obama run for a third term?

Answer - ACE OF CUPS

Imagery - The Ace of Cups depicts a golden cup overflowing with five streams of water into a pool or lake. The five streams are connected with the senses, sight, touch, hearing taste and smell.

KeywordsLove, deep feeling, new romance, intimacy, beginning of new love or awareness, being in touch with your emotions, infatuation with someone or something.

ImpressionsCups is the suit of emotions. The Ace shows new beginnings to some extent. It could be said that a new beginning means a new president. Yet the question was will Obama run for a third term. I feel this quest, this new beginning, is another beginning for Obama. That regardless of how he may be doing in opinion polls, it's his heart which decides what he will do. His detractors would say he's letting his heart rule his head. I feel this will be the case because there will be very turbulent times happening around him when he announces his quest for another term. Beforehand it's very much in the balance what he'll do. It's touch and go whether he will receive the nomination from the Democrats. There may be a lack of confidence in him and a general insecurity around. However, somehow he pulls though. This Ace of Cups is a new beginning and it is also a positive card. Put in very simple terms, Barack Obama will run for a third term.

Will Barack Obama win a third term?  


Imagery - The Hanged Man is suspended upside down from a beam. Despite his position he appears to be in no discomfort.

KeywordsTransition, sacrifice may be necessary, being in limbo, anticipation of progress, seeing life from a different angle.

Impressions The Hanged Man is a very interesting card to see in this position. Amongst other things, it's about being in limbo, having to make sacrifices, it's also about unexpected changes. In general it's a negative card and according to it, Barack Obama will not win a third term as president. It is possible that this presidential race is another very close one however. Unexpectedly so. There could be some confusion in the early stages as to who has actually won. I feel however as if Barack Obama concedes, relinquishes control as it says above. That there will be a new president of the United States sworn into office.

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